Information for Guest Sailors

Dragør Harbour is the gateway to Øresund and lies next to Dragør City which is a cozy old town with all of the facilities of a modern age. In Dragør City, you can experience cozy restaurants and shops. Nature enthusiasts will find ample opportunities for outdoor experiences in the nearby beach and meadow areas.

In the summer, the harbour buzzes with life, and you will hear many different languages along the quayside. Among Dragør's attractions is Denmark's only Pilot Museum, conveniently located in the middle of Old Harbour.

Berths for Guests

As a guest sailor, you have several options for berths:

  • You can use all available berths that have their availability signs turned on green
  • 15 dedicated guest berths are placed in the Old Port (“Gammel Havn”) next to the harbour office
  • 20 dedicated guest berths are located in the marina (“Ny havn”) at the eastern end of the "Landgangen” quay. These guests berth spaces are with a mooring lines system for bow or stern mooring only. Alongside mooring at quays with the mooring system during the Summer season from June to September is prohibited.

Anchoring is prohibited in the harbour

Instead of anchoring, you must use our mooring system in the Old Port and in the New Port. You must moor either at the bow or the stern. Our mooring lines systems are equipped with chains laid out on the bottom of the harbour. Be careful when entering or leaving the guest berth spaces with the mooring lines systems.

Go on an excursion

There are good public bus connections from Dragør to both Copenhagen city center, Copenhagen Airport or trains to Sweden.